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Past Exhibitions and Seminars
:This site is currently being updated (7/30/2017).

Demos and Tournaments

Oct 25, 2003
China Town Fun Day Festival

Oct 18, 2003 Shia

June 19, 2001 - First annual AIKA Grand Championship Tournament (Houston)
July 22, 2002 - Second Annual AIKA Grand Championship Tournament(Houston)
July 12, 2003, Third Annual AIKA Grand Championship Tournament (New Mexico - Hosted by Senseis Tracy and Chris Crumbacher)
May 29, 2004 - Fourth Annual AIKA Grand Championship Tournament(Houston)

1999- Japanese Festival - Houston, Texas.
2003- Japanese Festival

Older Event Historys will be deleted as new events are added.

2002 - September Okinawa Trip

Hanshi Angi Uezu

We were picked up from the airport by Master Uezu and one of his students Yagi-san. Three of us had the opportunity to stay in Master Uezu's dojo while the rest of our group stayed with Yagi. Master Uezu was a great host and when we were not working out we were touring. We had two great training sessions with Master Uezu and visited six islands. Hanshi Uezu has a good heart that is exceeded only by his technique and knowledge of Isshinryu


O-Sensei Kichiro Shimabuku

We stopped by the IWKA Headquarters and was greeted by Master Shimabuku. We were too late to work out but did get the chance to observe a class of young students preparing for a tournament. Master Shimabuku is my original Sensei and I enjoyed watching him instruct the class. After the class we were invited to O-Sensei's home for pizza. We enjoyed his company and his stories. We are looking forward to our next trip.


Shinso Shimabuku - younger brother to O-Sensei Kichiro Shimabuku, Eiso Shimabuku, Nakahodo, Sensei and others

I was impressed with how much Shinso looks like his brother. He was polite and happy to see us. We later found out that Shinso was a Go-Dan at one time but has forgotten most of his kata, Eiso Shimabuku has a Shorinryu school that also teaches Jujutsu he had an impressive dojo that could double with a sauna in the Okinawan heat.



2005 Seminars

Carlisle, PA - April, 2005
Shihan Furgason taught a three Hour for Hanshi Washington. There was a good turn out resulting in two more dojos joining the AIKA.

Du Bois, PA. - April 2005
In spite of the blizzard there was a great turn out of excellent karate-ka. Shihan also sat on a promotion board.


Santa Fe, NM - August 2005
Shihan was flown out to NM for the sole purpose of sitting on two promotion boards. There was time for personal training with Sensei Chris and Tracy Crumbacher. Congradulations are in store for Jo and Alex for their promotions to Sho-Dan and for Chris and Tracy Crumbacher's promotions to Yon-Dan.

August also marks the five year aniversity of the Crumbachers joining the AIKA

Shihan Furgason will update as seminars are completed .

2002 Shiai Series

Shiai #1 held January 2002 at the Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club, 2600 Aldine Westfield, Houston, Texas
Great Turn out - A good experience for all involved.

Shiai #2 held March 23, 2002 at the Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club In Houston, Texas - All Shiais are held on Saturdays.


Shiai #3 held April 20, 2002 at the Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club In Houston, Texas-


Shiai #4 will be held May 18, 2002 at the Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club In Houston, Texas - All Shiais are from 10:00AM - 2:00PM .

2000 - FSIK Sponsored Seminars With Isshinryu Greats

Toby Cooling, Ju Dan

It was a pleasure to have Mr. Cooling here again. He covered kata, bunkai, preasure point and joint manipulation. This was an excellent seminar for all levels/grades. FSIK firmly believes it is foolish to think that all knowledge comes from one source and the knowledge we gained from this seminar proves it.



John Reese, Renshi(May 30, 2004)

Mr. Reese offered a seminar on the eight principles of Isshinryu as shared with him by his sensei (first generation student Warner Henry). It was very interesting and gave us all something to think about.


William Washington, Ku Dan (May 29, 2004)

Great Bunkai! Mr. Washington offered bunkai that was effective and different from what I have seen before.


Ed McGrath, Ju Dan

Another really good seminar! Mr. McGrath is the type of person that you could listen to for hours on end. He shared his history of training under Isshinryu Great, Ju Dan, Don Nagle. This gave a solid insite into Mr. McGrath's flair and style. He demonstrated kumite techniques that are still stinging San Dan Clinton Ward's ribs, chest and back. To sum it up...good kata, good kumite, good history and good company.


Nick Adler, Ku Dan

Shihan Adler is an extremely gifted Isshinryu practitioner. He presented bunkai and self defense in a no non-sense manner. His ability to manipulate his opponent is something we should all try to emulate. I found his seminar to be invaluable to the "Isshinryu Experience".




1999 - FSIK Sponsored Seminars With Isshinryu Greats

Toby Cooling, Ku Dan

We are all thoroughly satisfied with the seminar this weekend. I don't know how one man can have so much knowledge. We were fortunate enough to hear the history of Isshinryu from someone who studied with O-Sensei Tatsuo Shimabuku and Don Nagle. Mr. Cooling covered kata, bunkai, preasure point and joint manipulation. Some of us are a little sore but it was worth it.




Phil Little, Ju Dan
We are truely pleased with the outcome of the Hanshi Phil Little seminar. Hanshi Little has been training in Isshinryu Karate Do since the age of 12 years old and is a perfect example of what O-Sensei Tatsuo Shimabuku wanted of all Isshinryu Karate-ka.

We were impressed with his technique, form, execution and professional demeanor and as soon as our bruises heal we will use all he taught us.

We also want to thank all the Isshinryu Karate-ka that attended for their participation and all around good company.

Furgason School of Isshinryu Karate would like to express a great deal of gratitude for these gifted and talented masters who took the time to share their knowledge with us. There was no time for egos, no pettiness and no politics. There was just good Isshinryu. *







2002 - Seminar conducted by Shihan Phillip R. Furgason, Hachi-Dan


2nd Annual AIKA Grand Championship Tournament

July 13, 2002
American Isshinryu Karate Assiciation Grand Championship Tournament
Location: Salvation Army Boys and Girls Club
2600 Aldine Westfield
Ther were Karate-ka from Colorado, Florida, Kansas, New Mexico, Pennsyvania and Texas...

Thorton Colorado

June 21 and 22, 2002
Shihan Furgason conducted a two day seminar covering nine hours of bunkai and self defense in Thorton, Colorado. American Isshinryu Karate Schools is headed by Senseis John (4th Dan) and Mary (3rd Dan) Holwager. I would like to thank Sensei, students and visiting karate-ka for their enthusiasm, willingness to learn and for making me feel welcome.


May 14 and 15, 2004
Shihan Furgason conducted a two day seminar covering eight hours of Bo Techniques

There is nothing I can add about Shihan John Holwager and Sensei Mary Holwager. Great instructors with great students.


2002 and 2001 - Seminar conducted by Shihan Phillip R. Furgason, Hachi-Dan

November 9, 2002
Shihan Furgason conducted a self-defense and bunkai seminar in Independence, Kansas for Renshi John Reese. Mr. Reese is in the unique position to have had a sensei that studied Isshinryu at the time it transitioned from chan Migwa to Isshinryu. Mr. Reese is dedicated and that reflects in his students. A special thanks is in order for those who drove the 100 or so miles from other Kansas Isshinryu dojos.

October 6, 2001
Shihan conducted a self-defense workshop at the H.U.G. Family Learning Conference in Houston with the help of Chris and Tim Stinnett. We had a great time. The interaction and cooperation made this a productive event.

October 27, 2001
Santa Fe, New Mexico (Cerrillos, NM).
The seminar covered History, kata, bunkai, self-defense, weapons. Special thanks to Sensei Chris Crumbacher and Sensei Tracy Crumbacher, their great students and guest for hosting the seminar and for their friendship.

September 29, 2001
Shihan Furgason conducted a two day seminar on bunkai and self defense in Long Valley, NJ. This is a great group of talented katare-ka thanks to the talent of their sensei San-Dan Tom Kately

2000 - Seminars conducted by Shihan Phillip R. Furgason, Hachi-Dan and School Events

September 16, 2000 - Santa Fe, New Mexico
October 27, 2001
June 2003 - AIKA Tournament - New Mexico

October 7, 2000
October 6, 2001
October 5, 2002
The self-defense workshops - H.U.G. Conferences


1998/1999 - Exhibitions

1998 - FSIK would like to thank all karate-ka who took part in the the FSIK 1998 Isshinryu Karate Do Exhibition. It was held at the Salvation Army Boys and Girls club on December 19th and was a success. Karate-ka, parents and friends left with a new appreciation of each other and Isshinryu. You are to be commended for a job well done.

For more information
Call Hanshi Furgason (832)573-6836
Or Email:

Older Event Historys will be deleted as new events are added.

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